Sosyal ve dayanışma ekonomisine ilişkin raporlar ve diğer çalışmaların listesi aşağıdadır:
ActHuman Sosyal Kapsama İnisiyatifi. (2021). Sosyal Dayanışma Ekonomisi için Güçlü Kooperatifçilik Raporu. Erişim
Angell, J. (2018, September 9). How does change happen? One man’s journey through the personal and the political. Erişim
Atakan, A. G. ve Çoban A. (2022). Türkiye’de Kadınların Kooperatifler Yoluyla Güçlenmesi: Yasal ve Yapısal Stratejiler Raporu. ILO Türkiye Ofisi. Erişim
Aykaç, A. ve Tiryakioğlu, M. (2022). Sosyal Kalkınma Açısından Satın Almanın Geleceği. Innovation for Development (I4D). Erişim
Aykaç, A., Tiryakioğlu, M. ve Arslan, Ü. (2022). Sosyal Satın Alma Rehberi: Eşitsizliklerin Azaltılması, Dezavantajlı Grupların Kamu Satın Almalarına ve Tedarik Zincirlerine Dahil Olması için Bir Yol Haritası. Innovation for Development (I4D) ve ILO Türkiye Ofisi. Erişim
Bassi, A. (2022). From “Social Impact” to “Social Value” : a holistic approach to the SSE Worth’ Measurement. Liège (Belgium) : CIRIEC International, Université de Liège. Erişim
Bianchi, M. & Vieta, M. (2019, May). Italian community co-operatives responding to economic crisis and state withdrawal: A new model for socio-economic development. Paper presented at UNTFSSE International Conference: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy? Geneva. Erişim
Bijman, J. (2016, October 11). Agricultural cooperatives in the Netherlands: Key success factors. Paper presented at the International Summit of Cooperatives in Quebec. Erişim
Birchall, J. (2013). Resilience in a downturn: The power of financial cooperatives. Geneva: International Labour Office. Erişim
Birleşmiş Milletler. (2023). Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Sekreter Raporu: Sosyal Kalkınmada Kooperatifler. (çeviri: ILO Türkiye Ofisi). Erişim
Borzaga, C., Calzaroni M., Fontanari, E. & Lori, M. (2023). Social economy in Italy: Dimensions, dynamics and characteristics, Euricse Working Paper Series, 125|23. Erişim
British Council Türkiye (2019). Türkiye’de Sosyal Girişimlerin Durumu. Erişim
British Council (2022). More in common: The global state of social enterprise. Erişim
Cahn, E. (2014). It’s the core economy stupid: An open letter to the non-profit community. Erişim
Chau, M. (2018). Companies spend $720 million on employee engagement each year, here’s what you can do for free. Erişim
Chaves, R. & Monzón, J.L. (2018). Best practices in public policies regarding the European Social Economy post the economic crisis, Brussels: European Economic and Social Committee, CIRIEC. DOI:10.2864/623436 Erişim
CICOPA. (2004). World standards of social cooperatives. Erişim
CICOPA. (2017). Cooperatives and employment: Second global report – Contribution of cooperatives to decent work in the changing world of work. Erişim
Cinar, K., Akyuz, S., Ugur-Cinar, M., Onculer-Yayalar, E. (2021). Faces and Phases of Women’s Empowerment: The Case of Women’s Cooperatives in Turkey. Social Politics Fall 2021 pp. 778–805. Erişim
CIRIEC. (2018). Best Practices in Public Policies Regarding the European Social Economy Post the Economic Crisis. Erişim
CIRIEC. (2018). Providing Public Goods and Commons: Towards Coproduction and New Forms of Governance for a Revival of Public Action. Erişim
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. (2021). Building an economy that works for people: an action plan for the social economy. Erişim
Cooperatives Europe. (2016). The Power of Cooperation: Cooperatives Europe Key Figures 2015. Erişim
Cooperatives Europe. (2020). Cooperatives Europe Survey Report: Covid 19 Impact on Cooperatives. Erişim
COPAC. (2018). Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 – Cooperative contributions to SDG 1. Erişim
COPAC. (2018). Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 Cooperative contributions to SDG 10. Erişim
COPAC. (2018). Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 – Cooperative contributions to SDG 12. Erişim
COPAC. (2019). Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 – Cooperative contributions to SDG 13. Erişim
Credit Suisse. (2014). The Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook. Erişim
Deller, S., Hoyt A., Hueth B., & Sundaram-Stukel R. (2009). Research on the Economic Impact of Cooperatives. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives. Erişim
Drivas, K. and Giannakas K. (2006). The Effect of Cooperatives on Product Innovation in the Agri-food System. American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Erişim
Dubb, S. (2018). Key Trends behind the Growth of Worker Co-ops. Erişim.
Duguid, F., Durutaş, G., Wodzicki, M. (2015). Türkiye’de Kadın Kooperatifleri’nin Mevcut Durumu. Dünya Bankası. Erişim
Duguid, F. & Karaphillis, G. (2019). Economic Impact of the Co-operative Sector in Canada. Erişim
Dupain, W., Scharpe, K., Gazeley, T., Bennett, T., Mair, J., Raith, M., & Bosma, N. (2022). The State of Social Enterprise in Europe – European Social Enterprise Monitor 2021-2022. Euclid Network. Erişim
European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB). Annual Report 2018. Erişim
European Commission. (2013). Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship. Social Europe guide (Vol. 4). Erişim
European Commission. (2020). New technologies and digitisation: Opportunities and challenges for the social economy and social enterprises. Erişim
European Commission. (2021). Building an economy that works for people: an action plan for the social economy. Erişim
European Economic and Social Committee. (2018). Best Practices in Public Policies Regarding the European Social Economy post the Economic Crisis. Erişim
Flanders, L. (2018). From Co-op to Co-op. Erişim
Genç İşi Kooperatif. (2021). Türkiye’de Kooperatif İstatistiklerinin İyileştirilmesine Yönelik İzleme ve Savunuculuk Raporu. Erişim
Genç İşi Kooperatif. (2022). ABD Şehirlerinde Kooperatif-Belediye İşbirliğine İlişkin Araştırma Çalışması. Genç İşi Kooperatif Araştırma Çemberi. Erişim
Groeneveld, H. (2017). European co-operative banks in 2016: a concise assessment. Erişim
Groot J., Bowyer, J., Bratkovich, S., Fernholz, K., Frank, M., Howe, J., & Pepke, E. (2015). The Role of Cooperatives in Forestry. Dovetail Partners, Inc, Erişim
Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı. (2017). Türkiye Kooperatifçilik Raporu 2016. Erişim
Harvey, R. (2018). What has caused the number of US worker co-ops to nearly double? Erişim
Heales, C., Hodgson, M., & Rich, H. (2016). Humanity at Work: MONDRAGON, a social innovation ecosystem case study. Erişim
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ICA. (2020). A People-Centred Path for a Second Cooperative Decade 2020–2030 Strategic Plan. Erişim
ICA. (2021). Cooperation for the Transition to a Green Economy: Global Thematic Research Report. Erişim
ICA & EURICSE. (2019). The 2018 World Cooperative Monitor: Exploring Cooperative Economy. Erişim
ICA & EURICSE. (2020). The 2019 World Cooperative Monitor: Exploring Cooperative Economy. Erişim
ICA & EURICSE. (2021). The 2020 World Cooperative Monitor: Exploring Cooperative Economy. Erişim
ICA & EURICSE. (2022). The 2021 World Cooperative Monitor: Exploring Cooperative Economy. Erişim
ICA & ILO. (2014). Cooperatives and The Sustainable Development Goals: A Contribution to the Post-2015 Development Debate A Policy Brief. Erişim
ILO. (2002). R193 – Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation, 2002 (No. 193). Erişim
ILO. (2014). Cooperatives and the Sustainable Development Goals: a contribution to the post-2015 development debate. Erişim
ILO. (2015). The Story of the ILO’s Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation, 2002 (No.193) A review of the process of making ILO Recommendation No. 193, its implementation and its impact. Erişim
ILO. (2017). Social and Solidarity Economy and the Future of Work. Euricse Working Paper for the ILO/ International Labour Office. Geneva. Erişim
ILO. (2019). Financial Mechanisms for Innovative Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems. Erişim
ILO. (2020). ILO COOP Chiefs across time. Erişim
ILO. (2020). Statistics of Cooperatives: Concepts, classification, work and economic contribution measurements. Erişim
ILO Türkiye Ofisi. (2021). Türkiye’de Kooperatiflerin Yönetişim ve Sürdürülebilirlik Kapasitelerinin Artırılması Webinar Serisi Raporu. Erişim
ILO. (2022). İnsana Yakışır İş ve Sosyal ve Dayanışma Ekonomisi. Uluslararası Çalışma Konferansı, 110ncu Oturum, ILC.110/ Rapor VI. Erişim
ILO. (2022). Kooperatifleri Ölçme: Kooperatif İstatistikleri ile ilgili ILO Rehberi üzerine bir bilgilendirme kılavuzu. Erişim
International Co-operative Alliance Asia-Pacific (ICA- AP). (2019). Cooperatives in Japan: Country Brochure. Erişim
IPPR Commission on Economic Justice. (2018). Prosperity and justice: a plan for the new economy. Erişim
Iuviene, N., Stitely, A., & Hoyt, L. (2010). Sustainable economic democracy: worker cooperatives for the 21st Century. The Community Inventors Lab, October 2010. Erişim
İhtiyaç Haritası Kooperatifi. (2020). Sosyal Kooperatif Geliştirme Programı: İhtiyaç Analizi Raporu. Erişim
İzmir Kalkınma Ajansı. (2023). İzmir Kooperatif Analizi 2022. Erişim
Jayasooria, D. (Ed.) (2013). Developments in Solidarity Economy in Asia. Asian Solidarity Economy Council. Erişim
Kadın Emeğini Değerlendirme Vakfı (KEDV). (2015). 5. Kadın Kooperatifleri Buluşması Raporu. Erişim
Kadın Emeği ve İstihdamı Girişimi Platformu (KEİG). (2015). Türkiye’de Kadın Kooperatifleşmesi: Eğilimler ve İdeal Tipler. Erişim
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KARAT. (2013). Good practices guide: social economy in Europe. Erişim
Kawano, E. (2018). Solidarity economy: building an economy for people & planet. Erişim
Kawano, E. (2018). Seven ways to build the solidarity economy. Erişim
Kelly, E. (n.d.). Worker&Co-Ops and Economic Development. The U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives. Erişim
Kelly, G. (2017). The Mondragón Report. Praxis Peace Institute. Erişim
Köne, A. Ç., Şahin, Ç. E., Öngel, F. S., Yıldırım, U. D. ve Yıldırım, M. C. (2023). Göç Alan Kentlerde Kurulan Yeni Kooperatiflerin İstihdam ve Sosyal Uyum Üzerindeki Etkileri [Saha Raporu]. Published by GIZ Türkiye (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH). Erişim
KUSİF. (2023). Sosyal Girişimler için Sosyal Etki Ölçümü ve Yönetimi Standartları. Erişim
Lawson, M., Martin, M. (2018). The Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index 2018. Oxfam International. Erişim
Laybourn-Langton, L., & Jacobs, M. (2017). Moving beyond neoliberalism An assessment of the economic systems change movement in the UK. Friends Provident Foundation. Erişim
Liger, Q., Stefan, M., & Britton, J. (2016). Social Economy. European Parliament Directorate General for Internal Policies Policy Department A: Economic and Scientıfıc Policy. Erişim
Luyts, S. (2017). Collaboration between Local Authorities and Renewable Energy Cooperatives, KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Energy Technology EGI-2017, Master of Science Thesis. Erişim
Meredith, M., Quiroz Niño, C., Arando, S., Coelho, L.S., Silva, M.F. & Villafuerte Pezo, A.M. (2015). Enhancing studies and practice of the social and solidarity economy. A reference handbook. Erişim
Meadows, D. H., Meadows, D. L., Randers, J. & Behrens III, W. W. (1972). The Limits to Growth. Erişim
Monzón, J.L. & Chaves, R. (2012). The social economy in the European Union. Brussels: European Economic and Social Committee, CIRIEC. Erişim
Monzón, J.L. & Chaves, R. (2017): Recent evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union, Brussels: European Economic and Social Committee, CIRIEC. DOI:10.2864/191345. Erişim
OECD. (2020), Regional Strategies for the Social Economy: Examples from France, Spain, Sweden and Poland. OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Papers, No. 2020/03. OECD Publishing, Paris. Erişim
OECD. (2021). The spatial dimension of productivity in Italian cooperatives. Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Papers 2021/02. Erişim
OECD. (2022). Legal frameworks for the social and solidarity economy: OECD Global Action “Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems. OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Papers, No. 2022/04, OECD Publishing, Paris, Erişim
OECD. (2022). Designing Legal Frameworks for Social Enterprises: Practical Guidance for Policy Makers. Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED). OECD Publishing, Paris. Erişim
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Smith, S. (2014). Promoting cooperatives: an information guide to ILO Recommendation No.193 / prepared by Stirling Smith; International Labour Office – Geneva: ILO. Erişim
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Social Economy Europe (SEE). (2015). Social Economy… Taking back the initiative: Proposals to make the social economy into a pillar of the European Union. Erişim
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