IPEC2024 wıll Shed Lıght on the Prosumer Economy wıth Renowned Fıgures

The Prosumer Economy Conference IPEC2024, being the first in the World, will be hosted in Turkey at Kadir Has University on 29-30-31 May 2024.

The conference will present a search for alternatives to the capitalist system, positioned as the underlying reason for global warming, biodiversity crisis, social inequalities, and even some wars, shedding light on the future of the economy.

The conference is co-organized by the Prosumer Economics Association and Kadir Has University. The project partners of the conference are organizations involved in the alternative economy, such as the Green Thinking Association and Good4Trust.org.Yeşil Düşünce Derneği, Good4Trust.org, A&B İletişim, Inogar Kooperatifi, World Fair Trade Organization, Vegan Sofralar, Good Money Lab, Onarım Atölyesi, Donut Türkiye, Sosyal Ekonomi, Ashoka Vakfı Türkiye and Mikado. The carbon-neutral sponsorship of the event is undertaken by ST Climate.

IPEC2024 will offer participants a significant platform for learning, discussion, and sharing, with a three-day program featuring keynote speaker panels, parallel sessions organized with project partners, and interactive workshops. The conference, aiming for approximately 250 participants, will be an important meeting point for researchers working on alternative economies and the Circular Economy, university students, and members of the press interested in the topic.

The first conference organized on the topic of the Prosumer Economy

This conference, which will be organized for the first time in Turkey on the topic of the Prosumer Economy, will be open for free to individuals who want to discuss a sustainable and fair economic vision, provided they register in advance.

For detailed information about the event and to register, the https://2024.turetim.org page can be visited.

What is the Prosumer Economy?

It is a restorative, macro-scale circular economy that has a minimum negative or as positive as possible impact on nature and society.


Website:  https://2024.turetim.org
Instagram: Instagram.com/ipec2024
X (previously Twitter): X.com/ipec2024

Kategori(ler): Haberler

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