Bu blogda yayımlanan yazılarda yararlanılan makaleler için erişim adreslerini de içeren liste aşağıdadır:
Bijman, J., & Iliopoulos, C. (2014). Farmers’ cooperatives in the EU: policies, strategies, and organization. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 85(4), 497–508. Erişim
Chan Kim, W., & Mauborgne, R. (1998). Procedural justice, strategic decision making, and the knowledge economy. Strategic Management Journal, 19(4), 323–338. Erişim
Cheney, G., Cruz, I. S., Peredo, A. M., & Nazareno, E. (2014). Worker cooperatives as an organizational alternative: Challenges, achievements and promise in business governance and ownership. Organization, 21(5), 591–603. Erişim
Defourny, C. & Nyssens, M. (2014). Social cooperatives: when social enterprises meet the cooperative tradition. Journal of Enterpreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 2 (2), 11-33. Erişim
Eckhardt, G. & Bardhi F. (2015). The sharing economy isn’t about sharing at all. Erişim.
Flecha, R. & Santa Cruz, I. (2011). Cooperation for economic success: the Mondragon case. Analyse & Kritik, 33(1), 157-170. Erişim
Fonteyne, W. (2007). Cooperative Banks in Europe – Policy Issues. IMF Working Papers, WP/07/159, 1-68, Erişim
Goodwin, N. (2018). There is more than one economy, Real-World Economics Review, 84, 16–35. Erişim
Grigore, A. A. (2013). Social economy entities: a worldwide overview. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, 6(2), 111–120. Erişim
Hayes, R. (2019). Worker-owned apps are trying to fix the gig economy’s exploitation. Erişim.
Heinrichs, H. (2013). Sharing Economy: A Potential New Pathway to Sustainability. Gaia, 22(4), 228-231. Erişim
Hernández-Perlines, F., Fernández-Moreno, M. V., & Rung-Hoch, N. (2013). Innovation as a competitive attribute within viticultural cooperatives. International Journal of Cooperative Studies, 2(1), 45-52. Erişim
Johnson, C. (2014). Sharing city Seoul: A model for the world. Erişim
Joshi, S., & Smith S. C. (2008). Endogenous formation of coops and cooperative leagues. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 68 (1), 217–233, Erişim
Malhotra, A. & Van Alstyne, M. (2014). The dark side of the sharing economy… and how to lighten it. Communications of the ACM, 57(11), 24-27. Erişim
Mori, P. A. (2014). Community and cooperation: The evaluation of cooperatives towards new models of citizens’ democratic participation in public services provision, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 85 (3), 327-352. Erişim
Rinne, A. (2017). What exactly is the sharing economy? Erişim.
Skybrook, D. (2018). Navigating purpose and collaboration in social impact networks. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Erişim
Üstün, Y. (2024). Bir Şehir Efsanesi: “Kooperatiflerin Vergisel Avantajları”. İzmir dayanışma. 7(2), 339-345. Erişim
Walsh, P., Peck, M.& Zugasti, I. (2018). Why the U.S. needs more worker-owned companies. Harvard Business Review. Erişim
Westlund, H. (2003). Form or contents? On the concept of social economy. International Journal of Social Economics, 30(11), 1192–1206. Erişim